Extra Mile Ministries
Dear Friends:
Below please find some of the area spiritual events for the month of February. Please feel free to forward to those whom you think may be interested.
Steve Jones
Extra Mile Ministries
Feb. 3, 9am - 10:30am and Every 1st Wed. of the Month -Market Place Prayer Group Meeting at Life Center Atrium, Life Center Ministries International, 411 S. 40th St., Harrisburg, PA Info.: Deb Robbins 717-678-3747 or drobbins@CW4Wealth.com
Feb. 3, 7pm - Dwayne Lebo at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 5, 7pm - Evangelist Augie David at Manchester Assembly of God, 4115 Board Rd., Manchester, PA Info: Rev. Tom Gilman 717-266-7029 or Bob Coches 717-659-7813
Feb. 6 & 7, 7pm nightly - Evangelist Miguel Escobar at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 10 & 11, 7pm nightly - Rev. Dr. Mike Yeager at The Carpenters Shop, 4505 Park Blvd., Wildwood, NJ Info.:Rev. Robert Meyers 609-522-4740
Feb. 10, 7pm - Stan Woodyard at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 13, 7pm - John Natale at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 14, 10am & 6pm - Evangelist Gary Bailey at Jesus Is Lord Ministries, 3425 Chambersburg Rd., Biglerville, PA (7 miles West of Gettysburg on Rt. 30) Info.: Rev. Dr. Mike Yeager 717-337-1635
Feb. 14, 7pm - Larry Miller at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 15, 6:30pm - Minister Sherri Wood, "God Opened Hagar's Eyes," at Hershey Aglow meeting at the Purcell Center, 109 McCorkle Road, Hershey, PA Info.: 717-312-1048
Feb. 17, 7pm - David Roberts at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 19, 7:30pm - Cheryl Leaman (healing ministry) at Rain service, Cornerstone Fellowship, Front and Locust Streets, Wormleysburg.
Feb. 19, 6:30pm & Feb. 20, 9am- 2pm- "Building Strong Marriages Seminar" ($20/couple) at Victory Christian Fellowship, 695 E. Ridge Rd., Palmyra, PA Info. :Rev. Doug & Fiona Pyszka 717-838-2033
Feb. 21, 10am & 6pm - Evangelist Augie David at The House of Prayer, 5430 Davidsburg Rd., Dover, PA with Rev. Ruthie Foust :717-259-8280
Feb. 23, 10am - Evangelist Augie David at The House of Prayer, 5430 Davidsburg Rd., Dover, PA with Rev. Ruthie Foust :717-259-8280
Feb. 24, 7pm - Evangelist Augie David at The House of Prayer, 5430 Davidsburg Rd., Dover, PA with Rev. Ruthie Foust :717-259-8280
Feb. 24, 7pm - Rev. Mike Yeager at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 24 - 27- "Burn Event" with James Goll, Mahesh Chavda, Sean Feucht at Life Center Ministries International, 411 S. 40th St., Harrisburg, PA Info.: 717-232-9006
Feb. 25, 7pm - Don Heist (Miracles through the playing of the shofar) at Rapha House, meeting at Camp Manatawny, 33 Camp Rd., Douglassville, PA Info. : Dick & Bonnie Curtis 610-779-9606
Feb. 26, 7pm - Kieth Greer, "Intro. To Dreams & Visions Interpretation" at
Imanuel Christian Fellowship, 1050 Mt. Joy Rd., Manheim, PA Info.: Gene Martin 717-689-1169 or 468-9798
Feb. 27 & 28, 7pm nightly - Mike Sheffield of Chile at Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo’s barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 28, 10am & 6pm - Evangelist Augie David at The Healing Center, 921 Nissley Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Info.: Rev. Judy Mastros 717-684-9152 or Mike Turkovich 717-764- 6067
Feb. 28, 10:30am & 6:30pm - Evangelist Mary "Mamma" Jenkins at Grace Chapel, 2535 Colebrook Rd., Elizabethtown, PA Info.: Rev. Mel Weaver 717-944-5571
Feb. 28, 10:45am - Eavangelist George Nsamba at Kingdom Life Ministries, 1219 S. 18th St., Harrisburg, PA Info.: Rev. Tony Sweet 717-238- 1996
Feb. 28 & Mar. 1, 7pm nightly - "The Spirit of Esther, The Spirit of Purim - Special Purim Celebration Services" presented by Awake The Bride Ministries at a location to be announced. Info.: Lisa Jo Greer 717-802-0922 or awakethebrideministries@gmail.co
Every Sunday 5pm - 8pm on Radio Station WHVR- 1280AM - "The Grand Ole Gospel Show" with host Rev. Dave Eddy. Call in for musical requests and/or prayer: 717-637-0052
Evangelist Harry Wingler
February Schedule
Feb. 14, 10am & 6pm - The Healing Center, 921 Nissley Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Info.: Rev. Judy Mastros 717-684-9152 or Mike Turkovich 717-764- 6067
Feb. 17, 7pm - Spirit of Life Church, 398 York St., Ste. 13, Hanover, PA Info. : Greg & Cindy Lowe 717-304-9560 (Greg); 717-304-0089 (Cindy)
Feb. 20, 7pm - Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebo's barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 21, 10am - Zion Covenant Church 1102 Locust St., Chambersburg, PA Info.: Rev. Willie & Cindy Dingeldein 717-658-8100
Feb. 21, 7pm- Cumberland Valley Church (Paul Lebos barn), 1704 Fisher Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA Info.: 717-790-9377
Feb. 24, 7pm- Puerta Del Cielo, 1250 Schuylkill Ave., Reading, PA
Info.: Rev. Ramon Torres 610-678-4329
Feb. 28, 10am & 6pm- The House of Prayer, 5430 Davidsburg Rd., Dover, PA with Rev. Ruthie Foust :717-259-8280
Apostle Angel Perez of Ohio, www.angelperezministries.com , is a gifted teacher and certified Christian counselor whom God uses extensively in the prophetic and miraculous. He is a seasoned pastor, missionary, church planter and feeds over 5,000 children daily in the Phillipines.
Donations of used cars, trucks, boats and motorcycles are helping us to bring some of the Lord's Most Anointed Ministries from around the nation to our area.
By donating your used car, truck, motorcycle or boat to Extra Mile Ministries you'll be helping others spiritually, and will qualify for a tax write-off. Free towing. Call 717-307-5367
Gifts of stocks, properties, insurances also accepted.
Extra Mile Ministries is dedicated to reaching as many people as possible with the Lord's message of salvation, healing, deliverance and edification. We do this by bringing to our area some of God's most anointed, gifted and fruit-bearing servants from across this nation and beyond. We network with many area churches and ministries in scheduling these ministries to bless all who are able to attend the meetings. There are costs involved with this work, so if you would like to help, see below:
This email publication is provided free of charge to all who wish to subscribe. Should anyone wish to make a donation to the ministry, they may send checks to Extra Mile Ministries, P.O. Box 6722, Harrisburg, PA 17112
All submissions of events for print consideration must be received at jonesquest@aol.com no later than the 25th of each month for the following month's publication
Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.